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Is Medical Marijuana an Option for Me?

Revive Therapeutic Services

Updated: Oct 14, 2023

Is Medical Marijuana an Option for Me?

Although every state has laws that regulate the consumption of medical marijuana, more than 60 percent of states in the United States and the District of Columbia have legalized it for use in medical treatments, and additional states are considering passing bills that would make the same thing legal. The marijuana plant or its compounds are extracted and used to treat various illnesses and disorders. It is essentially the same product as marijuana that is used for recreational purposes, but it is used for therapeutic reasons.

What is medicinal cannabis?

Cannabis used for therapeutic purposes is cannabis in the form of a prescription that is intended to alleviate the symptoms of a medical problem, such as seizures. It is essential to remember that there is a distinction between cannabis used for medicinal purposes and cannabis used for purposes other than medicine. The kind of cannabis that is not intended for medical use is the kind that is used for recreational purposes.

Conventional drugs either do not work or do not work as efficiently as medicinal cannabis for some people battling chronic or terminal conditions. Additionally, traditional drugs may be effective for certain people, but they may also create incapacitating side effects, which cannabis may help to ease.

  1. Chronic pain

There is strong scientific proof that cannabis can help with chronic pain, which is why over 600,000 Americans turn to it. According to the 2017 NASEM report, cannabis lowered pain by 40% in gold-standard randomized clinical trials of people with painful health issues, including rheumatoid arthritis, peripheral neuropathy, multiple sclerosis, complex regional pain syndrome, spinal cord injury, cancer, HIV, muscle and joint problems.

  1. Insomnia

According to the National Academies, there is only “limited” evidence that cannabis helps persons with sleep disorders. However, this isn’t stopping any of the older users. Surveyed Coloradans showed that over a third had used it to aid sleep, with the vast majority (86%) finding it effective. Insomnia caused by pain, sleep apnea, arthritis, Dementia, and anxiety may benefit from THC and CBD’s combined efforts to activate cannabinoid receptors on brain cells and promote restful sleep, at least temporarily.

  1. Depression, anxiety, and PTSD

One poll found that 20% of older persons used medical cannabis to improve their mood and reduce chronic stress. A large majority, over 90%, reported improvement. Meanwhile, one of the most promising applications is treating post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD).

There is a lack of information about all of these mental health disorders at the moment. Soon we’ll have additional information. There are seven cannabis research projects underway in the United States, Canada, and other countries to examine its effects on anxiety, post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD), and depression. Other qualifying conditions include:

Alzheimer’s disease Multiple sclerosis and muscle spasms Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS) Epilepsy and seizures Glaucoma Crohn’s disease


In Rhode Island, you can obtain a medical marijuana card with valid reason. At Revive Therapeutic Services, we will first assist you in determining whether or not medical cannabis is an appropriate treatment for your mental illness. Then we will assist you in obtaining certification to use marijuana legally. The dosage you take and how often you take it are both dependent on how you are feeling. The type that you use will determine both the degree to which your symptoms are relieved and the adverse effects that you experience.

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